But who wants to type that ugly command repeatedly, or can even remember it from one day to the next? Fortunately, PowerShell makes it easy to execute it using two methods. The first is to wrap the long command inside a function: Function Get-TopCPU { Get-Process | Sort-Object CPU -Descending | Select-Object ` -First 10 | Format-Table Name,@{Name="CPU(Min)";Expression` ={"{0:F2}" -f($_.CPU/60)}} -Autosize }
Run all that in your PowerShell window, and thereafter we can get the information by simply typing:
There. That was easy.
Unfortunately, the function will be lost as soon as we close the PowerShell window. If we want to keep a custom function permanently, we can add it to our PowerShell profile. (Enter 'notepad $profile' for a quick edit.)
Another way to keep the long ugly command is to enclose the command in quotes and redirect it to a script: